Monday, September 30, 2024

Dark Horse of the Month Salazar

He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
And exalted the lowly.
Luke 1:52-53

This month's Dark Horse is 8 year old Salazar! 

Salazar is said to have a positive disposition and is described at calm, curious and adaptable. 

Salazar has lived with a foster family since he was 2 years old. Born with a low birth weight, he has some developmental delays. He does not speak in phrases but he utters single words. Also, he lags behind in the development of habits, skills, emotional and social development. But he does understand phrasal speech, feed himself, and his personal hygiene is well-maintained.

He is able to play by himself, but he also looks for the company of other children. 

When we read about a child like Salazar we have the opportunity to see all that he lacks or all that he could be. Only the right resources, time, and love will reveal all the potential Salazar holds inside. But even if he never changed from what was shared about him above, his life is priceless and the impact even his quiet existence could have could never be measured. 

Learn more about Salazar and see his photos at: Reese's Rainbow: Salazar

Please join us in prayer!

Dear Father, I thank You for the treasure of Salazar's life. I thank You that being useful and fruitful in Your kingdom is not based on our physical or intellectual abilities. I ask that You would touch Salazar's heart with Your Gospel and the deep love that You have for him. Lead him to Your side that he may follow You all the days of his life. Open the doors for him and grant him favor that he may receive the care and provision that he needs. And please bring forth a dad and a mom who will see the treasure that he is and bring him home. In Jesus Christ' name, amen.

Yay Justice and Marley!

As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor—this is the gift of God.
For he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life, because God keeps him busy with the joy of his heart.
Ecclesiastes 5:19-20

I'm excited to share that Justice and Marley are being fostered in their home country by family!!! Thank you for all of your prayers for these sisters!

Dear Father, I thank You that Justice and Marley have found a stable home to live in. I ask now that You would knit this family together and bring salvation to their home; that they may all know the hope, love and healing that only You can bring. In Jesus Christ' name, amen.

Goodbye Kinsley

My soul longs, yes, even faints
For the courts of the LORD;
My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
Psalm 84:2

Thank you, for all of your prayers for 12 year old Kinsley! This lovely young lady is still waiting to be found by her forever family. If you would like to continue in prayer for her we invite you to please do so! Her information can still be found at: Reese's Rainbow: Kinsley

Dear Father, I thank You for allowing us to be part of Your plan for Kinsley. I thank You that we had the honor of touching her life through prayer. We release her back to You now with confidence that You will complete the work that You have started. In Jesus Christ' name, amen.

Goodbye Kinsley
We love you!
And know He has good things in store for you!

China Adoption Closes


After the COVID outbreak China's adoption program was put on hold. Adoptive families have been eagerly awaiting their reopen so they could bring their children home. Sadly, that reopen has not happened and instead they have closed their doors to international adoption.

CCAI posted this statement:

"On Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, the U.S. Department of State issued a notice confirming that China has officially closed its foreign adoption program.  This means that all in-process and future applications to adopt from China will no longer be processed, except in cases involving stepchildren or blood relatives within three generations who reside in China."

Take Action: 

You can advocate for these in process families by contacting your members of congress through the link below. An email form is already written up, you just have to search your area to find your members of congress and then add your name and contact information.

Take Action

Please join us in Prayer!

Dear Father, I pray that You would move the mountains that need to be moved for these waiting children to come home. May nothing stand in the way of them coming to know Your love and salvation. May the leaders in China show honor and respect to these adoptive families and allow them to finish the adoptions that they have begun. Please flood these devastated adoptive families with your love and comfort during this difficult time. Give them hope and direction. And I pray for all of the waiting orphans still in China; I ask that You would provide for Your children. Please show Yourself to them, that they may receive the salvation You purchased for them at the cross and pour out on them the love that You have always had for them. Build them into a mighty army for You; that these children who were not allowed to leave would leave a lasting legacy of the Gospel that will continue to grow stronger with every generations to come! In Jesus Christ' name, amen.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Dark Horses of the Month Ronnie and Mary!

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

This month's Dark Horses are teenage sisters Ronnie and Mary! The sisters wish to be adopted together and hope to find a forever family!

Ronnie is very diligent and obligatory. She is a happy, independent and caring girl who likes to help with younger children. She is willing to cooperate, but needs time to adapt to new environments.

She rides a bike, roller-skates, swims, participates in sports and dance activities. Physical activity gives her joy. She has a great artistic talent, but does not believe in herself.  She likes to travel and is very curious about life and surroundings, constantly asking questions.

Mary is a very cheerful child. Despite speech disorders, she easily communicates with caregivers or peers. She likes to play with younger children. She carries them in a cart or leads them by the hand. She started learning to roller-skate, likes swimming in the pool, sports and dance activities. She doesn’t read books on her own, but she likes to see the pictures.

To learn more about these sisters please visit: Reese's Rainbow - Ronnie and Mary

Please join us in Prayer for Ronnie and Mary!
Note: these girls will soon be ineligible for international adoption.

Dear Father, I thank You for Ronnie and Mary and for the special gift they each are. I ask that if there is still a way for them to have a forever family that You would move the mountains for them to get home. But if they cannot be adopted that You would bring forth a family of people to love them and support them as they become adults. A family of people who will show them Your love and let them know that they will never be alone. May You provide for their needs, give them favor and open doors for their futures. In Jesus Christ' name, amen.