Monday, September 30, 2024

China Adoption Closes


After the COVID outbreak China's adoption program was put on hold. Adoptive families have been eagerly awaiting their reopen so they could bring their children home. Sadly, that reopen has not happened and instead they have closed their doors to international adoption.

CCAI posted this statement:

"On Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, the U.S. Department of State issued a notice confirming that China has officially closed its foreign adoption program.  This means that all in-process and future applications to adopt from China will no longer be processed, except in cases involving stepchildren or blood relatives within three generations who reside in China."

Take Action: 

You can advocate for these in process families by contacting your members of congress through the link below. An email form is already written up, you just have to search your area to find your members of congress and then add your name and contact information.

Take Action

Please join us in Prayer!

Dear Father, I pray that You would move the mountains that need to be moved for these waiting children to come home. May nothing stand in the way of them coming to know Your love and salvation. May the leaders in China show honor and respect to these adoptive families and allow them to finish the adoptions that they have begun. Please flood these devastated adoptive families with your love and comfort during this difficult time. Give them hope and direction. And I pray for all of the waiting orphans still in China; I ask that You would provide for Your children. Please show Yourself to them, that they may receive the salvation You purchased for them at the cross and pour out on them the love that You have always had for them. Build them into a mighty army for You; that these children who were not allowed to leave would leave a lasting legacy of the Gospel that will continue to grow stronger with every generations to come! In Jesus Christ' name, amen.

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