Saturday, February 27, 2021

Urgent Prayer Need for New Hope Foundation!


Probably most known for the Marie's Big House of Hope Care Center, New Hope foundation serves special needs orphans in China with passionate care and sincere love. 

The Show Hope ministry completed its financial commitment to New Hope Foundation recently, and as they remain exceedingly thankful for the years of support and partnership with them, New Hope Foundation is feeling the loss of those funds. We'd like to share with you their request and ask you to join us in prayer for this need!

"Will you please consider helping New Hope Foundation? 

Of course, with a budget of over 3 million dollars a year, ongoing support has been needed even after the amazing outpouring of generosity a year ago. Many continue to generously support this work, but some of the pledges that were made have still been delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Without those pledges, we will need other donors to help. Will you please consider being one of the regular donors to support this work if you are not already one of our ongoing donors?

We are starting a new Child Sponsorship program very soon! Please tell your friends and consider becoming a monthly sponsor.

In addition, we need funding for these recent hospitalization costs:

Eva’s hospitalization: $1,218.66

Lennor’s hospitalization: $313.03

Philbert’s hospitalization: $651.09

Please contact us if you would like to help with any of these costs.

We need your prayers: Contact us if you would like more information on how to pray for us and the children. Your prayers are so valuable and sustain us.

The children in our care need families: Contact us for more information on how to start the adoption process or to find out how to help other families who are adopting.

The 200 children we have in our care today are all made by God and are infinitely precious to Him. Because we strongly believe this to be true, we comfort them, we do our best to help them, and we pray their lives are spared. Please join us now by giving, praying, and considering how you might help.

With love and with great respect,

Steve Nelson Martin, Jr. with Robin and Joyce Hill and the NHF Team"

Visit New Hope Foundation to learn more about their amazing work!

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